getting there with the tender

Having had a few meetings and pricing addendums with our preferred contractor, we are now getting nearer to the project budget. Essentially, we have re-scoped the works so that the contractor will do the extension, but not the fit-out, e.g. kitchen. For the existing house they will do all necessary external works including:

  • External wall insulation
  • Replacement windows
  • Grinding off concrete gutters and replacing all rainwater goods
  • Structural works and interfacing with extension

This still leaves a lot of work for me to do, including strip-out, loft and underfloor insulation, ventilation (MVHR) installation, not to mention all the decorating, flooring and new kitchen. But this seems manageable, albeit will slow the pace down and extend the programme.

We also now have an estimated start date of mid-August. Let’s hope for better weather!

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