out to tender!

After a lot of final amendments and hard work, Ruairi sent out the tender documentation earlier this week. We decided to go to four builders: two that we discussed as being the right type and having the right sort of experience; one that was recommended by our structural engineer; and one that was local with a good portfolio, but otherwise unknown.  All tenderers completed a pre-tender questionnaire, which isn’t usual for domestic projects. Tenders are due to be returned in four weeks.

All tenderers completed a pre-tender questionnaire, which isn’t usual for domestic projects. Having done it, I would recommend to others as it gives you a ‘feel’ for their general attitude to a project. The two contractors that Ruairi and I discussed responded very enthusiastically to the project, whereas the other two seemed a little ambivalent and their responses to requests regarding prior experience was a tad light.

We haven’t included any diversion works for the sewer within the tender documents. I would much rather know the outcome of discussions with Wessex Water before we send out any additional information for the tenderers.

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